
We’re Back!

The Lord has been using Kat and I the last few days to minister to girls in our school, and boy isn’t doing His will along with everything else in your life quite tiring?! Well, we’ve been praying that God will strengthen us in whatever we do because we’re doing this all for Him and His glory. Some of the information we’ve been sharing and learning during this period of ministry we will be sharing with you next week so watch out for that.

You see, God reveals things to us that we as humans just can’t perceive if we don’t open up our spiritual eyes and ears and become sensitive to what God acknowledges and recognizes. Every one of you that comes to know Christ, God rejoices over. He gathers up all His angels and everyone in heaven and focuses on that one person…that ONE person. So we’ve come to appreciate even more that fact that in our line of ministry, quality is much much better than quantity. Evangelising doesn’t bring everyone to Jesus at once, but as long as what we’re sharing is the truth that John 8:32 talk about, we can be certain that a process must be active and progress should be taking place within our hearts.

So ask God to give you the insight that you’ve been longing for. Plead to Him, ask Him for His view on salvation and you will realise that you enjoy evangelsing or witnessing more. Of course it becomes hard to be happy and grateful when there are only 2-10 people coming out or being receptive to your message but remember it’s all about His will, not our carnal desires.

Take care, and don’t forget to check next week for a taste of what goes on in our school’s Christian context. Also, we challenge you to take advantage of the opportunities that you have to tell others about Christ.
