Give Me Your Eyes, Lord

God, so often I’m tempted to judge success by the world’s standards. I focus on quantity instead of quality, outward appearance instead of the heart. Maybe that is why it’s so easy for me to become discouraged because I can’t see what You see.

I am not able to see how that one person’s heart is slowly being changed by my actions and words or how every time I do Your will, no matter how hard or how easy, I am growing stronger in my faith and closer to You.

But that is how I want to see life Lord because that is when life will be all the more fulfilling! Please give me eyes that see the heart behind someone’s actions, that see the victories within every perceived ‘failure.’

I want Your eyes God. Exchange my limited, worldly eyes for Yours.  In this way I won’t be discouraged when I can’t see change in my life or the lives of others right away. Instead I will see the growth and development that is so hard to see and I will be more able to praise and thank you in every situation.

Give me Your eyes Lord.

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